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The Lynx Necklace
The Lynx Necklace
The Lynx Necklace
The Lynx Necklace
The Lynx Necklace
The Lynx Necklace
The Lynx Necklace
The Lynx Necklace
The Lynx Necklace
The Lynx Necklace
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The Lynx Necklace

NOW AVAILABLE IN FRESHWATER PEARL (white) (not pictured yet)

Ok I have a confession... this is my favorite necklace I've made. I also call it a utility necklace because of all the many ways you can wear it. It's also super easy to put on and take off! Now featuring a freshwater pearl chain.

Comes in two styles! Both are adjustable to your desired length.

Ways to wear it:

  • Adjustable length so you can wear it as a choker or otherwise. perfect for any neckline
  • Connect two necklaces together to create a belt/waist chain
  • Attach it to a bag and wear it as a bag strap
  • Or as a bag charm!
  • Attach your keys/pepper spray on it
  • Add any keychains and instantly customize it
  • Shorten it and wear it as a shoe charm
  • Attach more necklaces onto the Lynx and create a custom layered piece
  • Add earrings onto it as custom charms!
  • The possibilities are endless

Can be made with either white faux teardrop pearls or vintage gunmetal faux pearls from 1970s Japan

Lynx: 17 - 20.5”

Lynx Mini: 17” - 18.25”

Tarnish resistant, won't turn your skin green, looks good from all sides, and extends to fit any neckline

Made with mostly stainless steel and some metal alloy


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